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ref : SCES3-A24S
Analoganzeige Betonrüfhammer BLET Mörtel<br>ref : SCES3-A24S

Analoganzeige Betonrüfhammer BLET Mörtel
ref : SCES3-A24S


Anwendungen : Mörtel, Aufprallenergie : 0.196 Nm

Quantität : 
Nicht vorrätig Laufenden Nachschub

389.00€ zzgl. MwSt.
Zur Angebotsanfrage




Maximum breakdown friction



BLET sclerometers allows to measure the hardness of several materials without destroying the matierial. It is very simple, a certain elastic force called the impact force is apply on the surface of the material and the energy non absorbed by the material is transmitted to the impact hammer which allows to measure the strength. 

This particular sclerometer is used to test mortar or clay products.  


To know more abour this product, you can find an online documation here.

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