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ref : BRIS3-3KA
Glanzmessgerät BLET 3 winkel<br> ref : BRIS3-3KA

Glanzmessgerät BLET 3 winkel
ref : BRIS3-3KA


Messbereich :20°: 0-200 Gu, 60° : 0-1000 Gu, 85°: 0-165 Gu, Fehler : 1,2 Gu, Winkel : 20°, 60°, 85°, Anwendungen : farbe, glasur, drucken, kemarik, metall

Quantität : 
Nicht vorrätig Laufenden Nachschub

Zur Angebotsanfrage


The gloss meter allows to measure a large range of gloss levels. This gloss meter was designed and manufactured according to international standards  ISO2813, ASTMD523, DIN67530. The technical parameters are up to JJG 696-2002. It has a digital displayer. The product is found in a carrying case with a foam interior. 

The angle can be chosen among three values on this machine. 


To know more abour this product, you can find an online documation here.

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