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ref : OXY68-B4501-00
Laboratory oxymeter with digital tablet, USB port <br/>ref : OXY68-B4501-00

Laboratory oxymeter with digital tablet, USB port
ref : OXY68-B4501-00


O2 range : 0.00-45.00 mg/L - Resolution : 0.01 mg/L

Temperature range : -20.0-120.0 °C - Resolution : 0.1 °C

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This oxymeter new generation displays the measure of dissolved oxygen on a 5,5" LCD screen. It is delivered with a suitable oxygen probe, 1 electrolyte solution, 2 membranes for the probe, 2 o-rings diaphragm seals, 1 recharge and docking station with electrodes support, 1 wall mount, 1 USB cable and 5 V adapter.

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