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: Ref : AFF28-D17BN-00
 Low Cost Process Display <br> BLET <br> :   Ref : AFF28-D17BN-00

Low Cost Process Display
: Ref : AFF28-D17BN-00


Process Voltmeter DC Ammeter DC : 4/8mm Size : 24x48x100mm
ref : PICA100-P DITEL

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172.00€ zzgl. MwSt.
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PICA-100P is a 48x24mm fully programmable panel meter, easy to scale into desired engineering units directly by frontal keys or rear input signal value in teach mode (tEAc), with 4 x 8mm-high red LED digits, supply excitation for the transducer and TARE function incorporated, it is designed for measuring ±10V and ±20mA process signals.

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