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ref : PHO68-SXXXX-00
Photometer for a particular chemical specie <br/> ref : PHO68-SXXXX-00

Photometer for a particular chemical specie
ref : PHO68-SXXXX-00


Corresponding reagents delivered with the photomoeter

Specifications depend on the chosen specie (see main description)

Quantität : 
Nicht vorrätig Laufenden Nachschub

Particular specie *

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Detailed specifications : 


- Cyanuric acid :

Range : 0 to 80 mg/L

Accuracy : ±1 mg/L ±15 % of lecture


- Aluminium :

Range : 0.00 à 1.00 mg/L

Accuracy : ±0,02 mg/L ±4 % of lecture


- Ammonia : 

Range : 0.0 to 50.0 mg/L

Accuracy : ± 0,5 mg/L ±5 % of lecture


- Silver : 

Range : 0,000 to 1,000 mg/L

Accuracy : ±0,005 mg/L ±10 % of lecture


- Bromine : 

Range : 0,00 to 10,00 mg/L

Accuracy : ± 0,08 mg/L ± 3% of lecture


- Free chlorine :

Range : 0,00 à 5,00 mg/L

Accuracy : ± 0,03 mg/L ±3 % of lecture

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