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Tight oxymeter with built-in barometer, USB port <br/> OXY68-A5001-00

Tight oxymeter with built-in barometer, USB port


Range O2 : 0.00 - 50.00 mg/L ; 0.0 à 600.0 % saturation

O2 Resolution : 0.01 mg/L (ppm ) ; 0.1 % saturation

Quantität : 
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Zur Angebotsanfrage


This polyvalent oxymeter measures the dissolved oxygen in the water in a wide range ( up to 50 mg/L ). It is delivered with an oxygen probe ( with a DIN connector and a 4 m cable ), 2 spare membranes, 1 electrolyte solution (30 mL), 1 zero oxygen solution, 1 data transfert software compatible with Windows, 1 micro USB cable and batteries.

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