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ref : MER45-SG1SR-00
BLET : Surface Pro-X sans sondes <br > ref : MER45-SG1SR-00

BLET : Surface Pro-X sans sondes
ref : MER45-SG1SR-00


Range: depending on the probe ; Accuracy: depending on the probes; Type of gauge: Externe and Exchangeable ;Memory and stats: yes, 10000 Application : ferrous and no ferrous
ref : Surfix

Quantität : 
Nicht vorrätig Laufenden Nachschub

725.00€ zzgl. MwSt.
Zur Angebotsanfrage


Integrated probe

Type of material

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Surfix SX Portable multifunctional coating thickness gauge for separate, exchangeable probes for nondestructive measurements on steel/iron and non-ferrous metals. Gauge without probe, now with protective rubber-cover for free

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