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ref : REF68-UUN00-00
Digital refractometer, refractive index and %Brix <br/> ref : REF68-UUN00-00

Digital refractometer, refractive index and %Brix
ref : REF68-UUN00-00


Range : 1,3300-1,5080 nD ; 1,3330-1,5040 nD20 ; 0,0-85,0 % Brix -
Resolution :0,0001 nD ; 0,0001 nD20 ; 0,1 % Brix

Temperature range: 0-80 °C - Resolution : 0.1 °C

Quantität : 
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This portable refractometer is very powerful and easy to use. With its large refractive index measuring range it has an universal use. It has 3 measuring ranges : refractive index with and without temperature correction and Brix scale.

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